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The focal point of your training will be the VUMC Emergency Department. Located blocks from downtown, the Adult ED sees 70,000 visits per year with a 38% admission rate. The acuity is high, and our orientation month will prepare you for this challenging clinical experience with high quality didactics, simulation sessions, bootcamps, and buddy shifts. From day 1 in the department you will be seeing incredibly complex and often critically ill patients. You will quickly learn to rapidly assess and stabilize a wide variety of patients including the many thousands of Life Flight transports which arrive at VUMC each year. Your trauma experience will be second to none; as a major receiving center for critically injured patients, the VUMC Adult ED sees more than 8,000 trauma activations per year, many of which require immediate life-saving intervention.


Your experiences are carefully curated to expose you to the widest possible spectrum of emergency care. The pediatric ED at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt sees more than 50,000 visits per year, including  100 level-1 and 350 level-2 trauma activations per year. As a resident at Vanderbilt, you will experience a fully integrated Pediatric emergency medicine experience, with approximately one fourth of your shifts being devoted to seeing ill and injured children under the supervision of engaged and enthusiastic faculty. You will also rotate at the Nashville Veteran’s Affairs hospital (conveniently located on campus) and at Sumner Regional Medical Center, a busy tertiary care community hospital in the nearby suburbs of Nashville.


When not working in one of our EDs you will be learning critical acute care medicine skills from some of the top faculty in the nation. We pride ourselves on being a critical care-heavy residency with six months of ICU experience; you will be entirely comfortable taking care of the sickest patients out there. In addition to our strong core curriculum, ample time is provided for selective experiences to explore fellowship options and gain additional clinical exposure, both at VUMC as well as internationally at our sister-EM program in Guyana.

2215 Garland Avenue

Light Hall Suite 203

Nashville, TN 37232

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