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Dr. Parekh graduated from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and completed their residency in emergency medicine at Vanderbilt. They subsequently completed the American College of Emergency Physician’s Teaching Fellowship (2009) and a Master of Health Professions Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago (2021). Dr. Parekh is committed to building learner-centered, humanistic education systems that support learners in achieving their fullest potential. They oversee a teaching selective for the emergency medicine residency and as Assistant Dean they direct the two-year post-clerkship curriculum and the Portfolio Coaching Program. They have previously served on the Clerkship Directors in Emergency Medicine Board as well as led committees for the Council of Residency Directors in Emergency Medicine. Dr. Parekh has won multiple teaching awards, presented nationally and internationally on core topics in medical education, and is a part of the AMA’s ChangeMedED consortium. Dr. Parekh’s academic interests are in assessment, coaching, educator development, and transitions along the education continuum.


Kendra Parekh, MD, MHPE

Vice Chair for Education
Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education, VUSM
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine

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